Shipping & Delivery
Orders are typically shipped within 48 hours once payments have been processed and are shipped before 3PM EST on business days.
Shipping destinations:
- We currently only offer shipping to the United States.
- We are currently working on making our products available for international orders (TBA).
Shipping times:
- Orders are usually shipped within 48 hours via standard delivery (3-7 business days). You will receive an email confirmation in addition to your tracking number once your order has been sent.
- Orders are shipped using FedEx, UPS, USPS and other third-party carriers if required.
- Shipping time might vary depending on location, shipment method and other factors.
Shipping cost:
- Orders overs over $50.00 USD qualify for free shipping.
- Shipping costs start at $4.99 and will be reflected in your cart upon checkout.
- We currently only offer standard delivery and are working on offering quicker delivery times for you!